Important Notice: Effective January 1, 2024, our Fee for Service has increased. Please click here to review changes.
Your new journey to mental health, wellness and wholeness begins here!
The first meeting is a consultation and is meant to determine whether an ongoing treatment relationship fits your needs. If mutually agreed upon, follow up sessions can be scheduled and the formal treatment relationship will commence.
Patients who are prescribed controlled substances must be seen once annually in order to continue being prescribed psychotropic medications.
PARENTS: In the state of South Carolina minors age 16 or older are able to consent to treatment without parental consent. Patient must sign a release of information form for their parent or guardian to schedule appointments, speak with the physician, and request medication refills. Please review our Treatment Consent Form for details concerning SC law SECTION 63-5-340.
Call or Text the Office at
Office Phone#: (843) 856-6998
Fax#: (843) 856-6997
Mailing Address:
887 Johnnie Dodds Boulevard Mt. Suite 215 Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464